TOTh 2014
12-13 June 2014, University of Savoie, Chambéry, France
Opening talk: Ontology meets natural language: What can linguists learn?
Pr. Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton University
The creation of large lexical databases for Natural Language Processing has renewed interest in the structure of the lexicon and challenged many linguists’ theories of systemic regularities in the face of empirical investigation. The need for mapping lexicons across languages and research in automatic inferencing and reasoning have resulted in fruitful collaboration between lexicology and the neighboring discipline of ontology and have afforded new perspectives on the lexicon. My talk will address the following questions and provide some answers based on recent research.
– To what extent can a formal ontology be mapped onto the lexicon of a natural language and reflect both its surface and its hidden structure?
– How much lexical semantics can ontology capture, and how useful is an ontological perspective of the lexicon for word sense disambiguation?
– How can ontology inform the construction of lexical databases for automatic reasoning, e.g., by introducing categorial distinctions such as between types and roles?
– To what extent can a formal ontology be mapped onto the lexicon of a natural language and reflect both its surface and its hidden structure?
– How much lexical semantics can ontology capture, and how useful is an ontological perspective of the lexicon for word sense disambiguation?
– How can ontology inform the construction of lexical databases for automatic reasoning, e.g., by introducing categorial distinctions such as between types and roles?
Disputatio: Harris et les immunologistes: un exemple à suivre ?
Pr. Pierre Lerat, Université Paris XIII
Zellig Harris a fondé principalement ses analyses de discours sur un mécanisme logico-linguistique universel : la prédication. Il a obtenu des résultats particulièrement significatifs dans ses derniers travaux (1988), qui portent sur des comptes rendus d’immunologistes.
Les contraintes réciproques entre les types d’expressions prédicatives et les types d’expressions référentielles requis par les discours scientifiques et techniques sont fortes. L’intérêt de cette approche conduit à poser deux questions : à la terminologie celle de la prévisibilité des mots spécialisés, aux ontologies celle du travail sur les schémas prédicatifs autrement qu’en termes de « relations associatives » parmi d’autres.