TOTh Workshop

The success of the TOTh conferences since their inception in 2007 shows the widespread interest in linking terminology and ontology, two disciplines which, although different, share common concerns.
The TOTh conferences, with the scientific backing of an international committee, have achieved a stable structure. Preceded by a training session, they encompass an open-minded conference comprising items of research and of application as well as wide-ranging debate on items of study and investigation.
The need is now felt to put in place some TOTh workshops in order to go into individual subjects in depth in relation to the themes of the TOTh conferences. The workshops are organised and accommodated by a partner (a university or organisation) in agreement with the TOTh programme committee. Lasting one day, they are planned midway between two successive June TOTh conferences.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the Workshop 2020 was postponed to 2021
Previous Workshops (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011)