Workshop 2014: Multilingual Thesaurus and Terminology
Brussels – December 5th 2014

Some of the topics that will be covered by the TOTh 2014 Workshop include (this list is not exhaustive):
– Principles, Theories and Methods: Thesauri, Terminology, Ontology, Controlled Vocabulary, Semantic Network;
– Embracing and Managing Multilingualism;
– Mapping, Alignment and Harmonisation of terminologies, thesauri, ontologies;
– Indexing and Research;
– The compatibility of the ISO and W3C Standards concerning terminology, thesauri, knowledge systems and interchange format;
– Impact and contributions from new domains and technologies connected to Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web;
– Software Environments
The 2014 TOTh Workshop is organised by the Royal Museums of Art and History of Brussels within the scope of the European Project AthenaPlus (
9:00 Welcome
9:30 Keynote speech: Open and Linked Data (Jef Malliet)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Interlinking RDF Data in Different Languages (Tatiana Lesnikova)
11:30 Gestion du multilinguisme dans un portail d’ontologies: étude de cas pour NCBP BioPortal (Clement Jonquet, Mark A. Musen)
12:00 Gestion du multilinguisme dans le domaine de la cuisine numérique (Sylvie Despres)
12:30 EwaGlos: On the Challenge of Developing an Illustrated Glossary for Conservation in Eleven European Languages (Angela Weyer)
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Multilingual Terminological Research for the Development of Semantically Enriched Scientific Thesauri (Véronique l’Heureux)
14:30 Moving Thesaurus Management from the Local CMS to a Global Platform Environment (Roxanne Wyns)
15:00 OpenTheso, gestionnaire de thésaurus normalisé et multilingue pour un web de données ouvertes (Miled Rousset, Blandine Nouvel)
15:30 The Terminology Management Platform: a Tool for Creating Linked Open Data (Eva Coudyzer)
16:00 Discussion
17:00 End
9:00 Welcome
9:30 Keynote speech: Open and Linked Data (Jef Malliet)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Interlinking RDF Data in Different Languages (Tatiana Lesnikova)
11:30 Gestion du multilinguisme dans un portail d’ontologies: étude de cas pour NCBP BioPortal (Clement Jonquet, Mark A. Musen)
12:00 Gestion du multilinguisme dans le domaine de la cuisine numérique (Sylvie Despres)
12:30 EwaGlos: On the Challenge of Developing an Illustrated Glossary for Conservation in Eleven European Languages (Angela Weyer)
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Multilingual Terminological Research for the Development of Semantically Enriched Scientific Thesauri (Véronique l’Heureux)
14:30 Moving Thesaurus Management from the Local CMS to a Global Platform Environment (Roxanne Wyns)
15:00 OpenTheso, gestionnaire de thésaurus normalisé et multilingue pour un web de données ouvertes (Miled Rousset, Blandine Nouvel)
15:30 The Terminology Management Platform: a Tool for Creating Linked Open Data (Eva Coudyzer)
16:00 Discussion
17:00 End