Workshop 2018
Terms used in business and other organisations
Terms used in business and other organisations
Marseille (France) – 6 December 2018
Download the call for papers (English version)
Terminology was first formulated to solve problems in writing standards and in translation and theorised by Wüster as early as 1931. Since those times, terminology has been amply discussed and its scope broadened. The breakthrough came in the mid 1980’s, opening up new horizons.
The 2018 TOTh workshop intends to explore the current use of terminology and its applications by bringing together academic research and feedback from actual experience.
The workshop is open to all stakeholders. It sets out to be a place where ideas can be exchanged along the following lines:
– Socioterminology and pragmaterminology today
– Specific terminologies and their function in organisations and companies
– Terms in close-circuit networks far from their original area
– Terminological variation management
– Methods for collecting oral terminologies
– Factors affecting semantic changes in terms
Data limite de soumission: 15 octobre 2018
Notification d’acceptation: 30 octobre 2018
Notification d’acceptation: 30 octobre 2018
Langues de travail : français et anglais
Soumissions : Les résumés de deux à trois pages, bibliographie incluse, doivent être envoyés à :
Comité d’organisation:
Valérie Delavigne, Université Sorbonne nouvelle, France
Dardo de Vecchi, Kedge Business School, France
Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CLUNL, Portugal
Christophe Roche, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France
Valérie Delavigne, Université Sorbonne nouvelle, France
Dardo de Vecchi, Kedge Business School, France
Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CLUNL, Portugal
Christophe Roche, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France